
Monday, 18 January 2016


boat on a trailer in the Dromana Hub carpark...
I have never seen a boat with a cover like this before...
I Googled H2GO and found a multitude of businesses from energised water to fancy model cars...
(I even found a New Zealand yacht called H2GO...)
Anyone have any idea what this could be all about?

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Monday Mellow Yellows!

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Stay mellow with yellow!

Mellow With Yellows

1. Jim, Sydney, Australia  7. Gemma's Greyscale  13. My Desktop  
2. Stockport DP  8. Gattina  14. Nick, Melbourne  
3. Shiju Sugunan  9. ann 2  15. Daniel Chambers  
4. Rajesh  10. NixPages  16. HoodPhoto OR-USA  
5. Angie in West Oz  11. Hobart  17. La Sagrada Passion Facade  
6. Gemma's MP Daily  12. atMuldoon  

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Gerald (SK14) said...

don't know what it is but looks funky

Angie said...

Not sure what it's all about but makes good photo!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

No idea, Gemma, but very eye-catching.