
Monday, 14 October 2013

Enchanted Maze Character

Strange but smiling character at the Enchanted Maze Garden, Arthurs Seat

Welcome to Monday Mellow Yellows!

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Stay mellow with yellow!


BLOGitse said...

Hello happy stranger! :)

Jim said...

Fun shot

namaki said...

What a happy face to start the week !

Anonymous said...

Fun start to the week, thank you Gemma

Sara Chapman in Seattle USA said...

So entertaining. Thanks for the smile.

Unknown said...

He is a cheery chappy.

Ingrid said...

Nice welcome sign for the garden !

Anonymous said...

He just cracks me up! What a joyful photo!

Angie said...

What a fun shot!

Hannah said...

What a cute and colorful character, the children must really enjoy playing there.

Our photos said...

Cute photo !
Greetings, RW & SK