
Monday, 18 March 2013

Yellow Tent

Dromana Sea Scouts tent at the recent Kite Festival on the Rosebud foreshore on Port Phillip Bay

Welcome to Monday Mellow Yellows! 

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Stay mellow with yellow!


Anonymous said...

I was a scout girl when young...I can still remember how to make a good, strong knot! :)

Ingrid said...

Very cheerful !

aspiritofsimplicity said...

What a cheery tent. We won't see that weather for months and months now...expecting more snow tomorrow...YUCK!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

my bro was a king scout

Dianne said...

love the girl with the jump rope :)

Anonymous said...

Love the yellow tent ~ great shot! ~ Enjoy ^_^

RNSANE said...

Well, that tent is quite visible. Nice color to choose.

My Monday Mellow Yellows is at:

Deborah Kay at The Paint Splash said...

nice yellow
Thanks for hosting Mellow Yellow
Blessings, Debbie

Unknown said...

Makes me long for summer :)
Thank you for the party Gemma.